The Cowardly Critic

"Before you criticize people, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away. And you have their shoes." ~ JK Lambert

Tuesday 20 February 2007

Hello World

This blog, as it says at the top, is going to be a record of everything I watch, read and listen to. Or at least some of those things. The plan is for it to be the whole shebang but inevitably I'll forget, or simply won't bother at times. Or I'll review things with one or two words. Bullshit, perhaps, or Superlative. It's hard to say.

Most of the time I'll probably ramble on and on and on as if someone were actually reading. And hopefully that'll be the case. I fully intend to find an audience. Even if there are only ever a few of you.

First post will be either later today or tomorrow and will most probably be about either a Martin Amis novel (the information) , a Kazuo Ishiguro novel (Never Let Me Go) or a Woody Allen film (Bullets Over Broadway). Or I might write an article about some television series that I've been enjoying recently (24 & Carnivale).

For now, adieu.

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